20 Kitchen Barstool Ideas that Will Inspire Your Inner Kitchen Counter Diner

Formal dining and eating nooks are great, but there’s nothing quite like reading the morning news over coffee or getting your kids’ day off to a good start with breakfast at the kitchen counter. It’s a great place to eat a quick bite a lunchtime or serve dinner, especially when members of your household are coming and going in between after school and after work activities.

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Les tabourets de bar sckycrown casino sont très populaires et durables par nature. Ils sont fabriqués en cuir écologique et sont faciles à nettoyer. Ils sont également antidérapants et possèdent une base durable et sûre. Certains tabourets de bar de casino sont dotés d’un télescope chromé et d’une base massive. Ce sont des équipements attrayants et originaux, parfaits pour tout intérieur.

Les tabourets de bar de casino doivent être confortables et offrir suffisamment de place pour que les gens puissent s’y asseoir. Ils doivent également être dotés d’un dossier pour un soutien supplémentaire. La plupart des tabourets des casinos et des bars ont un dossier. Cependant, vous pouvez choisir un tabouret de bar sans dossier si vous préférez un siège plus confortable.

Les tabourets de bar des casinos peuvent être fabriqués en métal. Ils peuvent être utilisés à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur. Ils peuvent être achetés en vrac et peuvent être utilisés dans différentes pièces. Si vous gérez une chaîne de commerces, ces tabourets en métal sont très pratiques. Ils peuvent être utilisés dans différentes pièces et créer un design ouvert et homogène. En outre, ils peuvent être utilisés dans différents bâtiments et créer la même ambiance.

Though they might seem insignificant, the kitchen barstool you choose can set the atmosphere for your whole kitchen. Fortunately, there have never been more choices available to you. With that in mind, here are 20 kitchen barstool ideas that will inspire your inner kitchen counter diner.

Feed Your Inner Designer with 20 Kitchen Barstool Ideas

rose gold and country kitchen counter stools

Gold and rose gold are on trend right now. The dark dramatic background is the perfect modern setting for these rose gold kitchen barstools. If you already own metal or wood bar stools and you’re thinking about a fast, inexpensive glam update, a few cans of spray paint could help you get this look today. Just because it’s a kitchen barstool doesn’t mean it can’t be a bench! These wide rectangular kitchen benches are super-practical since they can be pushed flush with the cabinet under the kitchen counter overhang, but offer a lot of seating when needed.


animal print kitchen barstool

Understated animal print kitchen bar stools bring some country charm to these clubhouse style chairs. Sleek, architectural, the second photo looks like mixed metals at its best. These chairs would be a great accent in today’s modern kitchens. They would be equally at home nestled up against all-white kitchen cabinets as they would a reclaimed wood kitchen island.


architectural kitchen bar stools

Speaking of architecture, there’s no reason that a kitchen barstool can’t bring in architecture as well as art to your space. We love how the sharp diagonal base of these chairs compliments the recess slant of the kitchen island.  From sharp to posh, these square club chair style kitchen barstools add even more glam to an already upscale kitchen.


DIY kitchen barstool makeover

Even the most basic kitchen barstool stool can be glamorous; this DIY kitchen barstool makeover could be done inexpensively and quickly, but pack a big visual punch. If beachy is your thing, wicker kitchen counter chairs tie in perfectly with the whites and blues that often show up in beach-themed home designs.


clear acrylic kitchen counter chairs

But maybe you don’t want your counter stools to factor in to the design at all; these disappearing chairs lend themselves well to a light, bright airy space. In another DIY kitchen counter stool makeover, Paris chic is achieved on these all-white wood barstools with stencil and lightly brushed on paint.


counter stools that match dining chairs

When your dining room is adjacent to your kitchen island, choosing bar stools that tie in to the same design in color, materials and design as your dining chairs makes the space feel more cohesive.


wire counter stools

Modern wire barstools make this otherwise rustic-feeling room more interesting and eclectic. The mix of metal against the white barn wood-paneled wall is absolutely charming.


modern short profile bar chairs

These modern, minimalist counter stools tuck away for a sleek, compact look. Equally modern but with a rustic touch, these wood and metal barstools teeter on the edge of industrial, but would be equally appropriate for a cabin, vacation home, rustic or country kitchen.


counter chairs that add a pop of color

Red kitchen barstools bring a pop of color to what could be an otherwise boring black and white backdrop. Once again, if you already have basic wood or metal stools, a weekend project could bring your boring old chairs to life, with nothing more than a couple cans of spray paint.  If vintage is your thing, you’re going to love these absolutely retro kitchen counter stools.


eclectic mis-matched kitchen barstool ideas

In the last but certainly not exhaustive spot on this list of kitchen counter stool ideas, a trip to the local antique store or some diligent garage sale shopping could help you achieve these two looks, where strategically mis-matched barstools bring whimsy and style, yet seem utterly cohesive against their backdrops.

As you may have noticed, kitchen counter stools and chairs come in many different heights. Some are very near to the top of the counter and others lower.  If you want to make sure you get the correct height and size barstools for your kitchen, use this handy Ballard Designs infographic on  how to choose the right barstools for your kitchen to come up with the right measurements.


Infographic - ballard designs - how to choose the right kitchen counter stool